Louise Chick - 'the girl' that is being stalked.
Keegan Fetherstone - 'stalker'
Matthew Bonner - 'stalker'
We started filming for our Horror Film opening on Friday 29th January 2010. It was cold so we decided to put Louise in a white coat, because white gives off an innocent conotation. Keegan and Matt were wearing dark clothes to give the conotation of the unknown.
First of all we started filming in the woods behind the hospital. It was late afternoon so was starting to get dark, and because its so close to the hospital we could hear the cars going past. This was good because we needed it to look as normal as possible. The woods are quite isolated and were quite muddy, so we had to make sure we filmed in a suitable light so our actors didn't injure themselves etc.
Rosie and Lucy decided that they wanted to film for these shots, so they set up behind a tree for one angle and lucy stood infront of where Louise was going to walk. Louise walked along the path as we filmed her first time, and then Matt stood behind her as we filmed another shot for one of the flashes.Next we went to Emmaline's house to film the audition tapes. I filmed Louise, performing the 'draft' script that will be used for the over voice in our film opening. We also decided to film some of the footage when Louise enters 'a house'. We filmed from the top of the stairs so we could get a good angle when she ran up the stairs. Matt stood in the gap behind the door so that when Louise closes the door, the audience can see Matt standing behind her. This went well because as Louise walks in, the light is off, and as soon as she turns it on, the door opens so we cant see Matt until she shuts the door and runs up the stairs. This is a good effect because when we showed the clip to some of our friends, they jumped when they saw Matt. This is the sort of impression that we want to create, so its good. All in all, that filming went really well.

The next scene we shot was upstairs in the bedroom. Again, we all set up the filming cameras in the corner, and Keegan and Louise performed a scene for one of the flashes. As Louise stood in the middle of the room, Keegan walked up behind her a grabbed her, then Louise screamed. We weren't expecting Louise to scream as well as she did, so it looks so effective.

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