Wednesday 2 December 2009

Similer Media Works

Similar Media Works[1]

When creating the 'Similar Media Works' presentation, we all decided who would help do what slide so that the work was shared out equally between all four of us.

When doing the work, sometimes we would work in pairs to get all the relevant information down onto the slides. We labelled each slide at the bottom, depending on who did what.

My contribution was;
- Generic Signifiers
- Storylines, Settings and Characters
- Technical Codes
- History of Horror
I also created the first slide with the titles and who created the PowerPoint.

It has helped me when creating my film because I could look and see what typical storylines and setting appear in different horror films. Also, looking at the history of horror helped because I can see what films had already been made, so when making my initial ideas, I came up with some of my own ideas knowing that something like that hadn't been produced before.

Also, it helped the group because when we were writing about our film, we could refer to the PowerPoint in order to use the technical names given to the different aspects of a film. For example, Generic Signifiers.

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