Friday, 18 December 2009

Location Scouting

We are aiming to make our horror film as realistic as possible, so we avoided looking at stereotypically dangerous places, and instead took domestic areas, and will give them an unsafe feel when filming. We have taken pictures of the locations and where the characters will stand, camera angles etc. These include various rooms in Emmaline's house, a reasonably quiet, though not deserted road, scarcely used garages and an open alley. The photographs for the storyboard were taken during the day, but the film will be shot at night, adding to the atmosphere and highlighting relevant moods, details etc. We will write a consent letter confirming that we have permission to shoot in Emmaline's house, as it is important to use a natural domestic environment, as it will add to the theme of the movie, a place of safety- the home environment- becoming inhabited by the stalker figures.
On the group blog, their are a number of different photos that we took to show where we were going to be filming for out Horror Film.
As a group we all went out to see where the best places to film would be and we all decided that the following places would be ideal;
- Forest Area
-Derlict Garages
-Court Road
-Emmalines House
We took pictures and added them to the group blog on the 'Location Scouting' post. My personal contribution was explaining why we chose the areas we did and how they would be used in our film. I wrote up all the information on the 'Location Scouting' post, and then added the relevant pictures. We all however, contributed into creating that post, when we all went out to look for different filming locations.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Draft Script

Script First Draft

*heavy breathing*
(muffled voices, loud door slam and the sound of a key turning in the lock)

female voice: f***. F***…f***…*slightly louder* f***

*voice cracks*
oh my *raises voice* God

*starts screaming/crying – panicking and hyperventilating, begging, spontaneous*

*sobbing* Let me out!

(key turns in lock again, dead silence, heart thudding noise? Door creaks open)

*whisper* no... please…please no…oh god *gets louder and louder*
(boots thudding across the room, echoes)

*screams, dies down to a humming noise*

Friday, 4 December 2009

4th December Update

This week we have been writing the 'draft script' for our horror film. We uploaded it onto our gropu blog, but because it contains "F*ck" and some other swear words, the school internet blocked us from editing it. So, Lucy will have to go and edit it at home. Because of this, we won't get it done for the deadline but should have it sorted within the weekend.

Also, we have uploaded the parental constent forms for the actors that will appear in our filming. We needed to do this because without Parental consent, we wouldnt be aloud to film the actor and use the footage, for youtube and others to see.

At the moment we are working on the 'Questionnaire' so that we can go out and ask people what they think, to therefore help us improve on the making of our horror film.

As a group, we are still working well together and getting the work done.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Similer Media Works

Similar Media Works[1]

When creating the 'Similar Media Works' presentation, we all decided who would help do what slide so that the work was shared out equally between all four of us.

When doing the work, sometimes we would work in pairs to get all the relevant information down onto the slides. We labelled each slide at the bottom, depending on who did what.

My contribution was;
- Generic Signifiers
- Storylines, Settings and Characters
- Technical Codes
- History of Horror
I also created the first slide with the titles and who created the PowerPoint.

It has helped me when creating my film because I could look and see what typical storylines and setting appear in different horror films. Also, looking at the history of horror helped because I can see what films had already been made, so when making my initial ideas, I came up with some of my own ideas knowing that something like that hadn't been produced before.

Also, it helped the group because when we were writing about our film, we could refer to the PowerPoint in order to use the technical names given to the different aspects of a film. For example, Generic Signifiers.


We created a simple story-board just so that we can tell exactly what is going to happen in the first few minutes. As we are using different camera shots, we will eventually use some of these photos and adapt them to how we want them. We went out and tried to create the feeling on 'the unknown' - for example the picutre of the girl walking uup the stairs, and the figure standing outside from the window. This creates a weird feeling, and this is the feeling we want our horror film to create.
My contribution to the story board, was being in some of the pictures taken and also, i wrote all the captions underneath the pictures, to explain what was happening in each scene.